Friday, September 23, 2011

Kisi-kisi UTS SMA Darussalam

- Fungsi-fugsi shortcut pada Photoshop
- Pelajari Pilihan Ganda Ulangan Tengah Semester LKS halaman 42 
- Transform Selection
- Soal-soal :
1. Apa yang dimaksud dengan Adobe Photoshop, jelaskan?
2. Apa fungsi dari menu file, jelaskan?
3. Sebutkan dan jelaskan menu-menu yang yang ada pada Adobe Photoshop, minimal 4!
4. Fungsi dari menu edit adalah untuk?
5. Scale, rotate, skew, distort, perspective, flip vertical. Flip horizontal, adalah fungsi dari?
6. Keyboard shortcut digukan untuk?
7. Apa yang dimaksud dengan menu layer?
8. Dalam Adobe Photoshop terdapat beberapa komponen, sebutkan Komponen yang terdapat pada tampilan dari Adobe Photoshop?
9. Dalam Adobe Photoshop juga ada yang disebut dengan Tool, apa pengertian dari Tool?
10. Sebutkan Beberapa tool - tool yang ada di Photoshop?
11. Sebutkan macam-macam Toolbox yang ada dalam Photoshop?
12.  Jelaskan pengertian dari Move Tool dan Brush tool ?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hari Pertama Mengajar

Good morning and good Monday everyone :)
Its been so tiring these days. Especially because of nonstop projects -.- So we're having many sleepless nights making our body feels unshaped. Luckily there are still some things that able to light up our spirits :D
Besides having a very busy routine (full class from 7 am to 4 or 5 pm - including Saturday and Sunday), we have a duty to work part-time as teachers in SMA Darussalam, a senior high school located in Ciputat. We're kinda lucky because the location of the school is not that far and the people inside the school are welcomed. Last Saturday was our first time teaching computer. We have discussed with the principal and the person that responsible with the lessons present there, we were planned to teach class 12. There are 3 classes present there; 12IPA1, 12IPS2, and 12IPS3.
It was tiring because we can say that we were teaching full time. Yet it was interesting though. Meeting new people and facing new characters. Below are several pictures taken by our friend, Subli. Hope this teaching project will benefit both sides, the school and us. Aminnn :)
